Category Archives : Mats

Manage Allergies in the Workplace with Mat Service

  • July 26, 2021
  • Mats
  • specialtymat

Allergies seem impossible to escape and that’s why they are often ignored as an ordinary part of life. However, without mitigating their effects, allergies can get out of hand and cause problems that are easily avoided.  The Damage Allergies Cause Leaving allergies unchecked is detrimental to business and everyone involved in it in a number […]

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slip and fall injuries

Slip and Fall Injuries In Your Business Hurt Everybody

  • May 20, 2021
  • Mats
  • specialtymat

A slip and fall injury in your business invites many hardships and problems. Worker’s compensation claims, lawsuits, and bad publicity are all things you want to avoid as a business. At Specialty Mat Services, we are dedicated to helping you prevent slip and fall injuries as well as any headaches they would cause you. 

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commercial restroom ideas

Commercial Bathroom Ideas to Comfort Guests

  • April 18, 2021
  • Mats
  • specialtymat

A commercial bathroom that isn’t comfortable won’t reflect well on the business. As transactional as bathrooms are, they are also very intimate. They are very personal spaces that, in a public space context, can be intimidating. More often than not though, commercial restrooms are off-putting. Unfortunately, many businesses don’t do much to change that bad […]

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types of floor mats business

Types of Floor Mats For Your Business

  • February 17, 2021
  • Mats
  • specialtymat

Your business is unique and it needs a floor mat service that can provide the types of floor mat that are right for it. Speciality Mat is here for your business mat needs, with the exact mats and customization services you want.

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How to Protect Your Business from Bare Floor Dangers in Winter

  • December 03, 2020
  • Mats
  • specialtymat

What dangers and risks await your business thanks to leaving a bare floor unprotected this winter season?

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History of Floor Mats

A History of Floor Mats

  • November 01, 2020
  • Mats
  • specialtymat

The history of floor mats might not be very thrilling, but it is a storied and impressive tale.  It’s hard to imagine modern dwellings and workplaces without floor mats. They are essential and indispensable in many areas of any building, but how did they become the safety staples we know today? 

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Cushioned Work Floor Mats

Types of Cushioned Work Floor Mats

  • October 07, 2020
  • Mats
  • specialtymat

Deciding which cushioned work floor mats are right for your business? Choices are good until there are too many of them. And this is likely the case with cushioned work floor mats. A simple Google search on the matter predictably ends up in a barrage of options, models, and brands. How do you know which […]

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Dust control management

Dangers of Dust and How Mats Manage Dust for Businesses

  • October 01, 2020
  • Mats
  • specialtymat

Dust. Nobody likes it. And yet, dust is everywhere. As hard as it is to manage dust in households, it’s even tougher to manage dust in businesses. I

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matting protects businesses

How Professional Matting Protects Your Business During the Summer

  • July 27, 2020
  • Mats
  • specialtymat

The temperature is high, the sun is up, and the days are longer. This can only mean one thing: summer is here! As fun as summer is, it can also be a challenging time for your floors. Winter may get all the bad rap with the moisture, mud, and the snow salts. But summer brings […]

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How Mats Prevent the Spread of Germs

  • April 28, 2020
  • Mats
  • specialtymat

Protecting your business from germs, bacteria, and other pathogens is just as important as protecting it from any other threat. Most people think of competition, economic difficulty, or internal issues as dangers to the business, but the microscopic are also threatening.

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