Types of Floor Mats for Your Business

types of floor mats business

Your business is unique and it needs a floor mat service that can provide the types of floor mat that are right for it. Speciality Mat is here for your business mat needs, with the exact mats and customization services you want.

Before we help, here is an idea of the mats you should consider utilizing:

Your Floor Mat Guide: What Type Are Best For Your Business?

It goes without saying that different businesses have different needs. After all, there are various factors that come into play when deciding which floor mats your business needs. For instance, specific locations require different types of floor mats. Industries that work with heavy equipment might need heavy-duty floor mats that offices do not. The type of work that goes into daily operations also influences your choice of floor mats.

There are, however, certain floor mats that are useful in any business, across any industry. These are your floor mat must-haves, no matter the size, type, or location of your business.

What are these floor mats, you ask? Here are the top 5 commercial floor mat must-haves for every business:

Classic Mats 

Nothing beats a classic. This old adage rings just as true elsewhere as it does for commercial floor mats. They are simple, functional, generic, and cost-efficient. They add traction to your flooring, help keep dirt and debris off your floors, and add a touch of cleanliness to your space.

Because they are not as abrasive as brush or scraper mats, they are best placed in the inner layers of your space, as opposed to being in the main entryways.

Scraper and Brush Mats

No business entryway should ever operate without scraper mats! For the uninitiated, scraper and brush mats are floor mats with abrasive surfaces. These surfaces help scrape off dirt and debris, effectively preventing them from dirtying your floors.

Brush mats, on the other hand, are mats with softer abrasions on the surface that finish off the last bits of dirt, debris, and moisture that the scraper mats miss. These two mats work hand-in-hand, giving your business its first line of defense against dirty floors.

Comfort Mats

A comfort mat in the right place of your business can do much for the employees who could use it. From relieving strain on the legs and lower back to improving energy and long-term wear and tear, a comfort mat has many benefits of use. Additionally, they look great no matter where they’re placed!

Custom Floor Mats

Customized floor mats can range from logo mats and message mats to custom-dimension floor mats. Custom floor mat sizes are especially useful for areas in your business space that come with unusual dimensions. They give you the most coverage for your business space, thus leaving you with cleaner, safer floors.

Anti-Fatigue Mats

Every business deserves an anti-fatigue mat, especially ones where workers are required to work on their feet for long periods. Back pain is one of the most common reasons for missed work. That’s where anti-fatigue mats come in.

They help keep employees comfortable throughout their shift by allowing for equal weight distribution and better blood circulation in the lower limbs. They are mostly used in manufacturing facilities and commercial kitchens but are also helpful for cashiers and receptionists.

The Best Commercial Floor Mat Service in Illinois

Stay on top of your business’s floor mat needs with help from Specialty Mat Services! Our commercial floor mat rental service offers high-quality floor mat selections, professional mat cleaning, and dependable rental service.

Contact us today at (800) 941-MATS to learn more about our services or to get started on yours! Interested in a free quote? Click here to request one!